The technology was developed during the the Iron Age in Anatolia. Iron replaced bronze as the basic material for implements and weapons.

When the Hittite Empire fell down , refugees or descendants of refugees from the Hittite homeland spread out to North Syria, South and South-Eastern Anatolia , Central Anatolia and formed small city-states. This nation was called as the Neo-Hittites by historians.

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The Urartians established a state on the shores of Lake Van in 1000 BC. They were the descendants of the Hurrians. The centre of their state was at modern Van. Urartians were skilled in metal work, they were exporting very fine objects made of bronze to the Mediterranean basin . In 590 BC their kingdom was overthrown by the Medes.

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The Phrygians were among those “Sea Peoples” who conquered the Hittite capital of Hattusas around 1200 BC and set up their own city there. They had been affected by Hellenistic and Hittite cultures soon after their arrival in Anatolia. Gordion which is located 95 kilometers to the east of Ankara was the capital of this kingdom.

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Ionians were Greek refugees who escaped from the Dorian invasion of Greece around 1200 BC.  They settled in western Anatolia. The favoured position of being sided with the sea and Asia minor helped them developing the trade and thus quickly growing in size. Ionia is considered to be birthplace of many arts and sciences. Because the civilized Ionia created the scientific thinking and observation. The first steps of democracy had been taken in Ionia. Ionian thinkers devoted themselves to the study of the universe and the discovery of the laws of nature. These first scientists examined the nature free from the effects of religious beliefs and superstition. Ionia is at the same time a meeting place of religions.

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